The American Indian Center of Indiana (AICI) Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that promotes the empowerment of American Indians/Alaska Natives and Native Hawai'ians in Indiana to achieve personal, social, cultural, and economic growth that enhances their quality of life; also, AICI promotes the strengthening of mutual understanding and respect among Indian and non-Indian people in Indiana. In striving to accomplish this, AICI provides culturally appropriate and high-quality workforce development, health outreach, and cultural education services.
Mission Statement
The mission of AICI shall be to promote unity and well-being among Indiana's American Indians, Alaska Natives, and other people indigenous to the United States through personal, economic, social, health outreach and cultural education development; and to promote the strengthening of mutual understanding and respect among Indian and non-Indian people in Indiana.
Vision Statement
The American Indian Center of Indiana, Inc. aspires to promote a sense of unification among the American Indian people in Indiana to achieve personal, economic, social, and cultural development.
Organizational History
A chronological
history of the organization from its beginning in 1992.
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